
Through The Gateway

I write. I draw. I geek. I conquer my own worlds.


There’s a new disease going around amongst the writing community. Well, actually I think it’s been going around for years, but it’s becoming more prevalent as of late due to the constant uptick in social media and the pressure of the interwebs. Lately, I’ve noticed it’s getting worse. I don’t want to freak anyone out with the word “pandemic” but…ya know…you didn’t hear that from me. Continue reading “Indie-quit-atitus”


My brain is overbooked. I have so many projects inside waiting to get started or finished that it’s almost overwhelming. I’m sure many writers or artists get this way at some point or another. So how does one choose? Continue reading “Overbooked”

New Art

Sickness hit our house and so I’ve been doing nothing but scouring the germs away and washing laundry for the last week. Then naturally I got some yucky chest/head cold thing that made it so I didn’t want to lie down and sleep, as waking up felt worse than sleeping. So, I binge watched Smallville and did a drawing that’s been waiting to escape my art brain. It might also be a bit of a teaser to the third book in my Imagia series. Maybe…might be…or might not. I won’t tell. It’s a baby kupa cat! Okay…I admit…it’s cuter in my head, but I’m no Michelangelo. So it’s an art sharing kind of Monday! Hope everyone stays well out there.


Little Writer…

It’s been a while since I actually got over to this blog to write anything. Christmas break with several children to entertain kept me from having very much (if any) time to myself. Then the New Year hit and the temperature dropped to a level so low that my brain was forced into hibernation. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Continue reading “Little Writer…”


I am so happy that last year is done. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t a horrible year, but something about the new year always gives me hope for a new, fresh start. The last few months of last year were probably some of my most unproductive ones (regarding my books). I had a bazillion projects – completely unrelated to writing/illustrating – that were in the works and had to be finished. So on to the new year and my probably overly high hopes of much productivity on my books! Continue reading “Progress…Finally”

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have a very merry and extra blessed Christmas! Happy New Year as well!1223170138_Burst01

Christmas Promotion!

Go get some great books!


I decided to make my Imagia books free for the next five days. Which, of course, is a huge drop from my originally astronomical price of .99 cents. Why free? Maybe it’s because of my recent birthday this past week and I’m feeling generous. Maybe it’s because of Christmas and I want to share freely. Or maybe…

…because why not?

The Gateway to Imagia: The Tale of Sam Little

The Gateway to Imagia: The Gathering

Price Drop


This weekend I went and did what I told myself (stubbornly of course) that I would never do. I dropped the price of my books. I decided that having not sold a book in at least two years, perhaps it was time to see what a drop would do. Like any author, I was constantly convincing myself that my books were worth at least something to me as far as getting a profit (however small that might be). When you sign up to sell via Createspace or KDP, you have to choose your royalty level before you put a price on it. Here is an easy breakdown for you. Continue reading “Price Drop”

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